Our H2020 project MEFISTO successfully completed

Great to see MEFISTO successfully completed, a project which SCIPROM accompanied for more than 6 years, from the first idea to the final review. Congrats and a big thanks to all!

MEFISTO has just held its final review meeting with representatives of the European Commission. The project was congratulated by the EC representatives for its achievements. In the final phase, novel coating technologies were used to functionalise resorbable and non-resorbable meniscal implants. These implants were then tested in vivo in partial meniscectomy models.

The resorbable collagen scaffold produced by Geistlich and functionalised by Tissue Click was tested by the team at the University Hospital of Regensburg. Meanwhile, non-resorbable meniscus implants from Active Implants and ATRO Medical BV, functionalised by Tissue Click and the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, were tested by the Humanitas University team.

Analysis of joint tissues and explanted devices suggests that Tissue Click's biomimetic nanostructured coating may provide protection to articular cartilage following meniscectomy. In addition, this coating technology has been shown to be both easily applied to meniscal devices and sterilisable.

Read our publishable summary for more insight into our achievements and stay tuned for further updates and publications on the exciting results of this collaboration!

MEFISTO project

Moments from the MEFISTO project

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