Domain | Economy, linguistics, social sciences, political sciences, history |
Duration | 2014–2018 |
Website | |
Number of partners | 22 |
Collaterals/Dissemination items | Website, flyers, folder, book |
MIME is a research project on multilingualism in Europe, funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. Using an innovative interdisciplinary approach, MIME will generate an organised body of policy-relevant propositions, identifying the language policies and strategies that best combine “mobility” and “inclusion.” The diverse concepts and methods are combined in an analytical framework designed to ensure their practice-oriented integration. MIME identifies, assesses and recommends measures for the management of trade-offs between the potentially conflicting goals of mobility and inclusion in a multilingual Europe. Rather than taking existing trade-offs as a given, we think that they can be modified, both in symbolic and in material/financial terms, and we argue that this objective can best be achieved through carefully designed public policies and the intelligent use of dynamics in civil society.
Visual identity |

Website | URL | |
Target | Scientific community, students, large public | |
Date | December 2014 |
Flyers | Dimension | 140x150mm (A6) |
Paper | 250 g/m2 matte paper | |
Target | Scientific community | |
Date | Febrary 2015 |
External spread of the MIME flyer, with the cover pages and the list of partners
Inside spread of the flyer, with a description of the project
Folders | Dimension | 215x310mm (for A4 paper) |
Paper | 3000g/m2 glossy paper | |
Target | Potential PRISMAP users | |
Date | April 2017 |

Vademecum | Dimension | 210x210mm |
Pages | 184pp. | |
Target | Scientific community, stakeholders, students | |
Date | June 2018 |
A 2-page spread from the Vademecum introduction
Question 12 of the Vademecum
The title page for the section on "Minorities, majorities, and language rights"
Question 47 of the Vademecum